Background: Interview on the situation of the Aramaic language with Mr Werner Arnold
• Professor of Semitic Studies at the Seminar for Languages and Cultures of the Near East at the University of Heidelberg
• Currently rector of the Heidelberg University of Jewish …
Many know Jesus as a Hebrew. After all, legend has it that he was born in Bethlehem, and then grew up in Nazareth and other regions of Israel, such as Galilea and Judea, where he was active until his death.
But only …
The Lord’s Prayer is the best-known Christian prayer and is said to go back to Jesus himself. In the Gospels of Luke (Luke 11:1-4) and Matthew (6:9-13), we are told how Jesus taught his disciples to pray. The Lord’s Prayer connects …

After long preparation and lots of coordination, our website is finally ready to go online. Now, in particular interested parents, communities, future employees, as well as helpers and donors from Germany and beyond can get in touch with us even better. …

The time we live in will leave its mark on us. It is the time when the entire world is brought to its knees and a lockdown is imposed in many countries. The coronavirus has also presented us with great challenges. …